October represents the ninth annual celebration of Fair Trade Month.  Over the ensuing weeks, eco-friendly consumers, ethically committed retailers and brands will sponsor special activities to promote Fair Trade.  In this month’s “simple list”, the October issue of Real Simple notes that five million men, women and children in developing countries benefit from the global sale of Fair Trade products.

This movement has proved to be a great way to enhance the lives of farmers and workers.  A certified Fair Trade product must be produced in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible, including, but not limited to, no employment of children or engaging any practices that threaten the environment.  Additionally, all workers for these businesses must receive fair compensation.

Fair Trade Month is an opportune time to make a commitment to the green movement through the purchase of Fair Trade products.  While shopping, trade in an item on your list for a Fair Trade version—maybe a cup of coffee for starters.  This also is a good time to learn more about the Fair Trade movement.  Get socially connected as a fan of Fair Trade Certified on Facebook where up-to-date information on the latest news on this movement is available, along with recipes, give-aways and conversation from dedicated supporters.  Fair Trade USA can be followed on Twitter and Instagram and is a great source for information.

Perhaps you already are committed to do something special for Fair Trade Month but need ideas.  There are several options available, including making a donation to Fair Trade USA.  Monetary gifts to this nonprofit organization support farmers and workers globally and specifically in the areas of economic security, schools, scholarships, environment sustainability and empowerment of women.  Other ideas include gifts of Fair Trade products to friends and family members, which will commemorate important milestones while also introducing them to this wonderful concept.  Thirdly, this is an opportune time to join or start a Fair Trade campaign in a local community or on a college campus.

Any contribution made to the Fair Trade movement is important, and “every purchase matters”.  Getting involved in the Fair Trade Movement during this celebration month is an excellent way to live green, be green.

Count Me In!


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